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King's Birthday

King’s Birthday 2024, 2025 and 2026

The King’s official birthday is not a public holiday in the UK, however it is held on a Saturday in June and is therefore a day of rest for many people across London and the isles.

2024TBA King's Birthday
2025TBA King's Birthday
2026TBA King's Birthday
Please scroll down to end of page for previous years' dates.

The King’s official birthday date differs from his actual birth date on 14 November. By choosing a summer date for the official birthday celebrations, there is a higher likelihood of fine weather.

The celebrations are marked by the traditional Trooping of the Colour ceremony that takes place on Horse Guards Parade in London, the announcement of the list of Birthday Honours, and the public appearance of the King and the Royal Family on the balcony of Buckingham Palace.

The King’s Birthday is also a holiday in UK overseas territories and in Commonwealth nations, though many of these overseas celebrations are celebrated on a different date to the official UK date.

Previous Years

202317 JunSatKing's Birthday
202211 JunSatQueen's Birthday