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Saint George’s Day

Saint George’s Day 2025 and 2026

Saint George’s Day is widely observed across England every 23 April. It is not a bank holiday, but its recognition as an important cultural day is growing and many people believe it should be a holiday just as St. Andrew’s Day in Scotland and St. Patrick’s Day in Ireland are.

202523 AprWedSaint George’s Day
202623 AprThuSaint George’s Day
Please scroll down to end of page for previous years' dates.

Saint George is the official patron saint of England, and is famous from the legend and painting that have him slaying a dragon. Saint George is believed to have been a Roman soldier who hailed from Cappadocia, in modern day Turkey, and who died a martyr’s death in Roman Palestine in A.D. 303. He is said to have been tortured and then beheaded during the persecution under Emperor Diocletian.

Many legends revolve around Saint George. He is credited with undergoing almost every type of torture that you can name and also with dying and coming back to life three times before being beheaded. And his legends and great popularity have made Saint George the patron saint not only of England but of about a dozen nations and regions in total.

Saint George’s Day is dated on 23 April because that is supposed to be the day of his martyrdom.

Previous Years

202423 AprTueSaint George’s Day
202323 AprSunSaint George’s Day